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Tag: pycharm

Newbie Python, PyCharm and Anaconda issues

I’m a newbie following tutorials online. I’m having real troubles with PyCharm, Python and Anaconda. Two questions: (1) when I ‘pip install x’ in CMD, they only seem to install in Anaconda site packages, not the Python one. Do I need to install in both to have access in both? (2) I thought the reason to have Anaconda was because

How to make Python inquirer working in Pycharm?

Hello, I’m trying to make an interactive menu in python console. I found python-inquirer should be good for my purpose, but it doesn’t work in PyCharm when I run it, it just prints out the options and I can’t choose anything. Does anyone know what my problem is and how to solve it? I’m really happy for any help. The

Failed to install packages from artifactory

Tying to install packages from Artifactory in PyCharm and getting the following error. I went to Settings -> Project Interpreter -> + -> Manage Respositeries and entered the URL of the repository. But it doesn’t work. Answer This error can be a result of many issues: For some reason Artifactory is not responding to your requests or you cannot reach

How can I run many python scripts at once?

I’m working on some python scripts using PyCharm. Running scripts from PyCharm works fine, but I tried bundling them up with a batch file and cmd just goes nuts: Other scripts which did not require importing modules worked fine. Help! Answer Is your html creator a script? Or more like module? If it’s like a module the try:

What does triangle/circle sign mean in PyCharm?

PyCharm window Before it was a circle now it is a triangle. What does it stand for? Answer At the bottom of your PyCharm screen there’s a toolbar with info that corresponds to what you see in the Project window. This should help you explain what these icons mean. For example: If the branch is up-to-date and there are no

Warning – variable referenced before assignment

Having the following snippet: I get a Pycharm warning Local variable cache_data might be used before assignment. Could you please explain how this could possibly happen in this case or is this an inspection bug? Answer Unfortunately this seems to be a known issue in PyCharm that was reported back in Nov 2019. It seems the inspection code added to

Running two files on a single project on PyCharm

I am currently developing a IoT sensor value simulator using the PyCharm IDE (along with pygame). Essentially, I am trying to produce/send data to Microsoft Azure IoT platform while there is a GUI available for users, in which they can see the temperatures of each sensor, change the sensor outputs, etc. Since I do not want to spam Azure with

PyCharm error: Cannot run program, error=2, No such file or directory

I am getting the following error message when attempting to execute Python code in PyCharm: Cannot run program “/Users/x/.virtualenvs/untitled/bin/python” (in directory “/Users/x/PycharmProjects/untitled”): error=2, No such file or directory I made sure everything was updated and restarted my computer, but I still get the same error. I have no idea what the problem is. Edit I just opened my terminal and
