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Tag: pos-tagger

Remove item from list of tuple with two elements across rows

I have a set of >1000 rows of POS-tagged sentences. I want to remove words that are tagged with “RB”, “IN”, “PRP”, “CC”, “PR”, “DT”, “CC”. Here is my data, the “pos_tag” column shows how my data is now. The “pos_tag_clean” is what I would like to see after removing the words. pos_tag pos_tag_clean [(semoga, SC), (saja, RB), (di, IN),

Position of that Noun and Verb

I have a rule-based code that prints out the Noun which is followed by a verb in a sentence The output of a sentence following this rule: high school football players charged after video surfaces showing hazing trump accuser pushes new york to pass the adult survivors act plans to sue Is there a way to also print out the
