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Tag: pool

Python Process Pool with custom Process not able to respawn child processes

I have overridden multiprocess.Process (fork of multiprocessing library) like so: When I create normal Process using this class everything works perfectly, including creating logs. Now I want to create a Process Pool of such customized processes but I encountered problem with respawning such processes after they life comes to an end. Here is how I create pool with additional maxtasksperchild=1

Plotting the pool map for multi processing Python

How can I run multiple processes pool where I process run1-3 asynchronously, with a multi processing tool in python. I am trying to pass the values (10,2,4),(55,6,8),(9,8,7) for run1,run2,run3 respectively? Answer You just need to use method starmap instead of map, which, according to the documentation: Like map() except that the elements of the iterable are expected to be iterables

Multiprocessing issue on Windows 10

I am trying to collect the size of homepages of a list of sites using multiprocessing. Following is the code : I am having a Windows 10 laptop with Python 3.9 running. I am not using venv. This code goes into a loop – executes 4 times and takes 4 times longer. What is the error here ? Can someone
