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Tag: permutation

Dynamic Programming approach issue

Alice goes for jogging every day for N meters. Sometimes she runs and sometimes she walks. Her walking speed is 1m/s and running speed is 2m/s . Given the distance up to which she does jogging, calculate the number of ways she can do jogging. example: Input: 3 (total distance covered during jogging) Output: 3 (possible case) Explanation: Alice could

How to skim itertools permutations?

Initial code: Result: Now I want to remove everything starting with “)” or “#” and ends whit “(” or “#” and contenin “(“,”#”,”)” With Now the list is half in size “9k chart from 20k”. ps: Now, how do i remove (‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘(‘, ‘)’, ‘#’) this I need to do this operations while the “iterator iterates” so I

Too many combinations

Hi I’m trying to generate all possible combinations of workers to buildings. (let me explain my scenario): I’m playing MineColonies on minecraft. In this mod you have colonists whom can be assigned jobs at buildings. These workers have skills and a score assigned to them. (like Agility: 20, Strength:5 etc) and the work at the buildings are performed better when

Shuffle DataFrame rows

I have the following DataFrame: The DataFrame is read from a CSV file. All rows which have Type 1 are on top, followed by the rows with Type 2, followed by the rows with Type 3, etc. I would like to shuffle the order of the DataFrame’s rows so that all Type’s are mixed. A possible result could be: How

How do I generate permutations of length LEN given a list of N Items?

Note: I’m working in python on this. For example, given a list: I want to generate a list of lists with all possible 3-item combinations: The permutations should not use the same item twice in a permutation, but the order is important and represents distinct permutations that should be included, e.g., Should both be included. “3” is the magic length
