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Tag: pandas

My dataframe is adding columns instead of rows

I’m trying to build a dataframe using for loop, below start works perfectly: And I got the correct one: Then I tried to make my implemetation as below: But the result I got was a horizontal dataframe, not a vertical one Even the data in the main hedears got posted as NAN? I tried using enforced header type declaration, but

how to convert the int Date to datetime

i’ve combined many dateframes but the date is not match as it’s look like (datetime & int) as below , it’s contains float number and datetime date. i’m tried to use the below codes but i found error messages (ValueError: mixed datetimes and integers in passed array) or i found this error elso(‘<‘ not supported between instances of ‘Timestamp’ and

pandas: combine size and sum in a single groupby?

I have a dataframe of houses, one row per house, that looks like this: And I want to end up with a table that looks like this: Currently I’m doing two separate groupby calls, and then joining them together: Is there a way I could do this with a single groupby? Answer Output:
