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Tag: pandas

How to add values to a new column in pandas dataframe?

I want to create a new named column in a Pandas dataframe, insert first value into it, and then add another values to the same column: Something like: How do I do that? Answer Dont do it, because it’s slow: updating an empty frame a-single-row-at-a-time. I have seen this method used WAY too much. It is by far the slowest.

Pandas Multiindex to CSV without duplicate Index

For the life of me I can’t figure out how to remove the duplicate index items created when writing a multiindex dataframe to CSV. While there is this answer out there, it doesn’t apply to me per se because my second level has all different values. This is a chunk of the dataframe I have, it just goes on for

pandas create new column based on row value (condition)

i have a column like this, i need to create a new column based on a condition, if the a[i] and a[i-1] is same, then value is 0 else 1. result should look something like this: The right pandas way to do it? Answer Create boolean mask by sompare for not equal by ne with shifted Series and cast to

What is the difference between `assert_frame_equal` and `equals`

I’m curious to find the difference between assert_frame_equal and equal. Both are for checking the equality of two data. It applies for assert_series_equal and assert_index_equal. So what is the difference between equals and testing functions? So far I found was testing functions gives little more flexibility to compare the values, like check_dtpye options etc., and differs from returning values Is

Pandas left join in place

I have a large data frame df and a small data frame df_right with 2 columns a and b. I want to do a simple left join / lookup on a without copying df. I come up with this code but I am not sure how robust it is: I know it certainly fails when there are duplicated keys: pandas
