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Tag: pandas

Difference between transpose() and .T in Pandas

I have a sample of data: I want to display simple statistics of the dataset in pandas using describe() method. Output 1: Is there any difference between the two workflows when I am ending up with the same result? Output 2: References: Pandas | API documentation | pandas.DataFrame.transpose Answer There is no difference. As mentioned in the T attribute documentation,

difference between “&” and “and” in pandas

I have some code that runs on a cron (via kubernetes) for several months now. Yesterday, part of my code didn’t work that normally does: This statement, all of a sudden, wasnt ‘True’ (both df_temp and df_temp4 have data in them: however, this worked: Was there some sort of code push that would cause this change? Since I’ve run this

How to create rank column in Python based on other columns

I have a python dataframe that looks like the following: This dataframe has been sorted in descending order by ‘transaction_count’. I want to create another column in that dataframe called ‘rank’ that contains the count of occurrences of cust_ID. My desired output would look something like the following: For cust_ID = 1234 with transaction_count = 4, the rank would be
