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Tag: pandas

Create a new column based on different columns

I have the below dataframe: I want to create a new column based on this conditions: I have many different conditions in the original df but I’m trying to create a way just to add this conditions. I’m working with phyton in jupyter Answer Since the logic here is pretty complicated, I would suggest putting your conditions inside a function,

How can I use cumsum skipping the first entry?

I have a DF that contains the ids of several creators of certain projects and the outcomes of their projects over time. Each project can either be a success (outcome = 1) or a failure (outcome=0). The DF looks like this: I’m looking for a way to create two new columns: previous projects and previous successes. The first should be

Python DataFrame Filtering and Sorting at the Same Time

Hi I have a data frame with column as following: ‘founded’ and ‘company name’ What I’m trying to do is filtering the year founded > 0 and then sorting by company name, ascending. I’m looking for a code similar to this But I got this error and at the moment I have this code: Are there any way that I

Trying to pass user input in usecols Pandas

I’m trying to ask the user which columns do they want read in the dataframe from a csv file. I’ve been trying the following: But even this gives an error. Any suggestions? I think so I’m not able to understand the lambda function. The error I’m getting is: pandas.errors.EmptyDataError: No columns to parse from file Answer You can pass the

Pandas. How to sort a DataFrame without changing index?

Output: df2.sort_values([‘B’, ‘A’], ascending=[False, True]) gives: The column with indexes is now shuffled in new order, but I want it to be the same even after sorting. Parameter ignore_index just sets indexes from 0 to n-1. And the sort_index function isn’t helpful too, because indexes can be not in lexicographical order. Answer Use dataframe constructor: Output: Create new dataframe with

Getting same result for different CSV files

DESCRIPTION: I have a piece of Python code, and this code takes a CSV file as input and produces a .player file as output. I’ve four different CSV files, hence, after running the code four times (taking each CSV file one by one), I’ve four .player files. REPOSITORY: DATA: The data in the CSV files are put through this

Occurence of a value in many lists

i have a Series Object in pandas with 2 columns, one for the indices and one with lists, I need to find if a value occurs in only one of these lists and return it with the most optimal way. As an example let’s say we have this i need to return 77 because it occurs in only one of
