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Tag: oop

Using Tkinter, Threading and After method

im working on a selenium project using tkinter in python. I want to execute many selenium task at one time(could be up to 100), so I used threading to accomplish this goal, but I came to a problem, due to the fact that I need all individual selenium task to wait a couple seconds between instructions, I used the ‘.after’

KeyError for multiframe tkinter?

I keep getting a KeyError and I am unsure why. I added a print statement and printed the self.frames dict to ensure that the keys existed, and it appears they do. I’m new to using classes to create multi frame apps so any insight would be helpful. The error: The dict that prints: The code where the error occurs: Answer

Abstract dataclass without abstract methods in Python: prohibit instantiation

Even if a class is inherited from ABC, it can still be instantiated unless it contains abstract methods. Having the code below, what is the best way to prevent an Identifier object from being created: Identifier([‘get’, ‘Name’])? Answer You can create a AbstractDataclass class which guarantees this behaviour, and you can use this every time you have a situation like

When are static variables initialized in Python?

Consider the following code When exactly does the initialization of i take place? Before the execution of the init method or after it? Answer Before. The __init__ method isn’t run until Foo is instantiated. i=1 is run whenever the class definition is encountered in the code You can see this by adding print statements: which prints: Notice however, that your
