I need to save a .mat file from python. The mat file should be a cell array of n by 1. The code below does what I need except the output mat file is 1 by n. How do I generate the desired n by 1 file? Answer Just do a list of lists.
Tag: numpy
Numpy array not copy
I am working with numpy and images. I have a big image which i want to process bit by bit. So I want to create a reference to the original image, do something with it and move on. But when I change something in the frame the change does not transfer to the original, which is the opposite of everything
GroupBy Pandas with ratio
I am working on a dataset which looks something like this: I am trying to do 2 things: Find length of longest sequence of each type and find ratio of A/B and B/A for those sequences for each ID. Ratio attribute explanation: Calculate the total amount in the longest sequence for each ID(say length n). If the sequence is that
How can i represent a 2d array in 3d in phython?
Im trying to represent an 2 dimensional array of a pyramid in the 3d space. In matlab i could just use the function mesh(). But in python im having a hard time doing it. Answer np.meshgrid() creates the grid coordinates. ax.plot_surface() plots a 3d height field.
Bar chart plotting issue: TypeError: ‘AxesSubplot’ object is not iterable
Below shown is the categorical data detail for the bar chart, which is from a specific DataFrame column i.e. coast Shown below syntax is the defined function used, to get the bar chart. However, the bar chart does appears without the values on the bar which is shown below. But the below error message appears How could I resolve the
How to get the label values on a bar chat with seaborn on a categorical data
Shown below is the syntax used to get the bar char for a categorical data on seaborn How can I get the value count on the bar chart shown below. How to get the percentage value on the bar chart shown below. Answer Maybe this will work for you: Results:
Seaborn bar plot with regression line query
I am trying to produce a bar plot with a line of regression. I am trying to follow a previous suggestion for the same problem but get an error message that I am unable to overcome. My script is as follows: The error message I get is: but I am not sure what this means. Can anyone help? Answer Please
Slice array using other array
I have two arrays of the same length that contain elements from 0 to 1. For example: I grouped the elements of x in bins of width 0.1: Now I would like to slice y in groups which have the same lengths of the arrays in x_bin. How can I do that? A possible way is: and so on, but
Filtering out rows in multidimensional numpy arrays
Let’s say that I have an array like this: I want to filter out all rows that include negative numbers in them. And, hopefully, get this: I tried this so far: But as you can see I get 1-dimensional array and I am getting unwanted rows (in this case is [2, 2]) How can I do this without using any
Python Dataframe Convert hh:mm:ss object into datetime format
I am trying to convert HH:MM into the datetime format. It converts but it adds an unwanted year 1900. I don’t know why? My code: Present output Why I need this? I am plotting HH:MM on the x-axis and value on the y-axis. The x-axis ticks look crazy and we cannot read even after I used plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate(). Answer autofmt_xdate() will