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Tag: numpy

Simple Linear Regression not converging

In my attempt to dig deeper in the math behind machine learning models, I’m implementing a Ordinary Least Square algorithm in Python, using vectorization. My references are: This is what I have now: The problem I’m facing is that my weights keep increasing until I end up getting a bunch of nans. I’ve been trying to find out

Using a for loop to append to arrays in Numpy Python

The code below generates random integers within a given range within the for loop and I want to assign these values to the numpy arrays Values, up_value_one,up_value_two however the for loop below does not work. The Values of the Values, up_value_one,up_value_two are returned as empty arrays. How would I be able to use appender as the variable to append a,b,c

How to access items from ndarray with dtype=object

How can I access data inside a numpy array with dtype=object? The following raises an IndexError. Answer Since you passed in the dict to numpy.array() without putting it in a list, this is a zero-dimensional array. To index into a zero-dimensional array, you can use b.item() to access the element inside. For completeness, to access the data in the “a”

Count how often values in a 2D array appear in a 3D array

I have one 2-dimensional numpy array and another 3D-dimensional array. For each number in the first array I would like to count how often this value or an extremer one appears in the second array (taking the 3rd dimension as comparison vector for each element in the first array). For 0 values the function should return np.nan since it’s not

Correct usage of numpy.vstack with python’s numba

I am currently trying to speed up some python code using numba. According to the documentation of numba, numpy.meshgrid is not supported but numpy.vstack is. So I replaced the meshgrid call by vstack which works fine when not using numba. It does not work, however, when using numba. Here is the code: And here is the error message: It sounds
