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Tag: numpy

Slice pandas row of a specific column using numpy boolean

The objective is to slice multiple pandas row of a specific column using a Numpy boolean. The following code should do the task However, I wonder whether the above code can be shortened further, especially these lines Currently, Pandas throw an error if I am to directly using Numpy boolean without converting to list Is there something I miss, or

Python Element-wise Multiplication

In MATLAB, I do a calculation using Here, A and B are 1*19-sized matrices. To execute the same code in Python, I am using the following code- Upon running the code, I get the following error- What should I do? Answer MATLAB’s .* is a broadcasting operator. It scalar-extends the * operator to apply to matrices of matching size pointwise.

Load a npz in numpy from bytes

I have a npz file saved from numpy that I can load by using numpy.load(mynpzfile). However, I would like to save this file as a part of a binary file, packed with another file. Something like: However, when reading back the npz I get an error. I have tried load and frombuffer, and both give me an error: frombuffer: ValueError:

Simulating expectation of continuous random variable

Currently I want to generate some samples to get expectation & variance of it. Given the probability density function: f(x) = {2x, 0 <= x <= 1; 0 otherwise} I already found that E(X) = 2/3, Var(X) = 1/18, my detail solution is from here But here is what I have when simulating using python: What am I doing
