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Tag: newline

How to timeit.timeit multi-line output without EOL error?

I have the following code stored in a .py file: This code executes perfectly fine. But now I want to measure the time it takes to execute the code. So I try to insert it into timeit.timeit in the following way: And now I get the following error: So apparently, it seems like the python code is giving me EOL

Python reading from file vs directly assigning literal

I asked a Python question minutes ago about how Python’s newline work only to have it closed because of another question that’s not even similar or have Python associated with it. I have text with a ‘n’ character and ‘t’ in it, in a file. I read it using I then Stored the result in an identifier. My expectations is

Writing To CSV file Without Line Space in Python 3

I am trying out the program for writing to a CSV file. Here’s my code: The program runs well. But in the CSV file, there is a blank newline space (without any entries) between each entry. How to eliminate that line in the resultant CSV file? Answer Recommended implementation per Python3 Documentation.

python re.sub newline multiline dotall

I have this CSV with the next lines written on it (please note the newline /n): I am trying to delete all that commas and putting the address one row up. Thus, on Python I am using this: As far as I know, re.multiline and re.dotall are necessary to fulfill /n needs. I am using re.compile because it is the
