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Tag: networkx

Fill color in single cells in a networkx graph

I’ve build a graph with networkx, that looks like this: Graph I want to fill every singel cell with a specified color. The Graph was drawn by nx.draw_networkx_edges() (returns a LineCollection). I found a similar question here (Fill area between lines), but the solution in the comments, doesn’t worked for me. I’ve also used plt.fill_between with a simpler graph and

Degeneracy given a graph

An exercise requires to determine the degenerative level of a graph. To do that, I have found useful the following code (source: which represents an undirected graph using adjacency list representation An example of data that I am using for building a graph is I have tried to calculate the adjacency list as follows: but this format does not

Bokeh Networkx graph slider not updating correctly

Here is a minimal working example for the problem I am facing: I am building a simple graph with Networkx and then displaying it with Bokeh, adding a slider to show only the edges whose weight is greater than the slider value. Unfortunately, this works perfectly when the value increases, i.e., the slider moves to the right, whereas it stops

Plotting subgraphs identified by connected components

I have detected connected components in my graph. Now I would need to plot them in separate charts for analyzing them individually.As example I am using karate club network, but my network has actually 5 connected components. I used nx.draw but nothing has been displayed: Answer S is not a subgraph but a list of subgraphs so you have to

How can I connect two portion of my graph? in python

Hi all I have a graph which is split in two portion, like I am showing in the photo, I would like to connect the two portion by adding a red edges like I am showing in the photo. Someone know a networkx function to do that? Answer If you do not have to calculate anything else (meaning the nodes
