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Tag: netcdf4

How to install NetCDF4 module in Spyder?

I don’t know why this is causing me so much headache. I know how to use pip, and have the latest version, but still when running a script in Spyder that requires netCDF4 (import netCDF4) Spyder always returns: I opened cmd, pip install netCDF4, confirmed it installed OK. Shouldn’t this be enough? I manually copied a downloaded version of netCDF4,

How to make a sum in NetCDF4 by xarray

I would like to make a monthly sums of my NetCDF4 file from daily values for precipitation. However, I am quite not sure what I am doing wrong. It seems that something has changed from the code in this post: Sum a daily time series into a monthly time series with a NaN value threshold I didn’t find anything helpful
