I am trying to access the dictionary elements in python, which looks like this: I want to access the value of key ‘xyz’.Is there any direct method to access it in python. Any help is greatly appreciated. Answer In steps, mydict[‘result’] returns [{‘abc’:1,’xyz’:2}] mydict[‘result’][0] returns {‘abc’:1,’xyz’:2} mydict[‘result’][0][‘xyz’] returns 2
Tag: nested
SQLAlchemy nested model creation one-liner
I’m looking to create a new object from q2, which fails because the Question class is expecting options to be a dictionary of Options, and it’s receiving a dict of dicts instead. So, unpacking obviously fails with a nested model. What is the best approach to handle this? Is there something that’s equivalent to the elegance of the **dict for
How to make a nested for loop using a generator in python?
I’m trying to convert this nested for loop: to a one liner, something like this: But I’m getting this error: all_R is a defaultdict where every value has keys that are pairs, and I’m interested in just one value from that pair: Answer List comprehensions are written in the same order as for loops, so you are actually looking for
How can I use list comprehensions to process a nested list?
I have this nested list: I want to convert each element in l to float. I have this code: How can I solve the problem with a nested list comprehension instead? See also: How can I get a flat result from a list comprehension instead of a nested list? Answer Here is how you would do this with a nested
Find a value within nested json dictionary in python
From the following json, in python, I’d like to extract the value “TEXT”. All the keys are constant except for unknown. Unknown could be any string like “a6784t66” or “hobvp*nfe”. The value of unknown is not known, only that it will be in that position in each json response. one line json How would you get the value of “Text”?
python: what are efficient techniques to deal with deeply nested data in a flexible manner?
My question is not about a specific code snippet but more general, so please bear with me: How should I organize the data I’m analyzing, and which tools should I use to manage it? I’m using python and numpy to analyse data. Because the python documentation indicates that dictionaries are very optimized in python, and also due to the fact
How to access outer class from an inner class?
I have a situation like so… How can I access the Outer class’s method from the Inner class? Answer The methods of a nested class cannot directly access the instance attributes of the outer class. Note that it is not necessarily the case that an instance of the outer class exists even when you have created an instance of the