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Tag: matrix

How to change 12 random 0 to 1 in python Matrix

My program is suppose to change 12 zeros on random positions to 1 in python 6×6 matrix. This is my code. So my matrix is going to look like this at the beggining So I randomly chose an array and the element in chosen array. The problem is that different number of zeros is changed every time. Not 12 like

Output is an empty file

My code does not throw an error, it simply creates the files, but of which are empty. I tried it from the command line, and it works using the wildcard training_set_pssm/*.pssm path, but I must do it from the IDE because it is not printing the correct output anyway. The input file is a set of checkpoint files that look

resolve matrix lists with lambda and map

we have 3 lists in below so , how we can sum all of similar index in lists together? i mean is 2 and 5 and 8 be sum together & 3 and 6 and 9 also be sum together & 4 and 7 and 10 as well ? but just use lambda and map… actually i have no idea

How to change pixel value based on a condition

The image is 1920 by 1080. How can I change the value of a pixel when a channel value is higher than the other? Here is what I did. Is there a more efficient way than iterating on each pixel? Answer Don’t use any loop for this, use ndarray capability and logical indexing. What you want to achieve is something

Numpy matrix creation timing oddity

My application requires a starting matrix where each column is staggered-by-1 from the previous. It will contain millions of complex numbers representing a signal, but a small example is: I tried two creation methods, one fast, one slow. I don’t understand why the fast matrix creation method causes subsequent calculations to run slowly, while the slow matrix creation results in

How to save adjacency matrix to a file?

I have an adjacency matrix of the graph like this one: I want to savethis matrix as it is in a csv or txt file, what should I do? I have tried the following link and others dont give me the right output Please I need your help Thank you Answer Here you go:
