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Tag: matplotlib

Python highlight user chosen area in contourf plot

What is the best solution for highlighting an area in a contourf plot? I want the background to be opacity of 0.5 and the user chosen area to be normal. How can I achieve this? Answer In How to nicely plot clipped layered artists in matplotlib? Jake Vanderplas shows a way to draw a rectangle with a rectangular hole. The

Add image to background of plot with Seaborn & Matplotlib

I am trying to create a Control Variability Grid Analysis in Python. This analysis requires plotting min and max blood glucose values (in this case, my own) per day on a scatterplot, with a background image that helps classify the overall glucose control. See here. I have found other threads that address this question, but I cannot seem to get

Use slider to choose which graph to show

Suppose I want to show three simulations by reading three .xlsx files. Next, I want to design a slider to choose which simulation to show. If I move the slider to 0, then 0 will be the input to the function “update()”. The first simulation will be shown. The following is the code: If I move the slider, “ddd” gives

Connect 3D points in matplotlib scatter

I have the following code, that generates a 3D scatter plot: What I’m trying to do is connect those 2 points using a directional arrow. What I’ve got What I want: What i want Tried ax.annotation but it doesn’t work. Any suggestions? Preferencially, a for loop to annotate N points, considering the (x1, y1, z1) and (x2, y2, z2) coordinates.
