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Tag: machine-learning

validation accuracy not improving

No matter how many epochs I use or change learning rate, my validation accuracy only remains in 50’s. Im using 1 dropout layer right now and if I use 2 dropout layers, my max train accuracy is 40% with 59% validation accuracy. And currently with 1 dropout layer, here’s my results: Again max, it can reach is 59%. Here’s the

How to reproduce the Bottleneck Blocks in Mobilenet V3 with Keras API?

Using Keras API, I am trying to write the MobilenetV3 as explained in this article: with the architecture as described in this picture: For that, I need to implement the bottloneck_blocks from the previous article See image for architecture: I managed to glue together the Initial and final Conv layers: Where the bottleneck_block is given in the next

Neural Network Results always the same

Edit: For anyone interested. I made it slight better. I used L2 regularizer=0.0001, I added two more dense layers with 3 and 5 nodes with no activation functions. Added doupout=0.1 for the 2nd and 3rd GRU layers.Reduced batch size to 1000 and also set loss function to mae Important note: I discovered that my TEST dataframe wwas extremely small compared

Gensim LDA Coherence Score Nan

I created a Gensim LDA Model as shown in this tutorial: And it generates 10 topics with a log_perplexity of: lda_model.log_perplexity(data_df[‘bow_corpus’]) = -5.325966117835991 But when I run the coherence model on it to calculate coherence score, like so: My LDA-Score is nan. What am I doing wrong here? Answer Solved! Coherence Model requires the original text, instead of the

keras lstm error: expected to see 1 array

so i want to make a lstm network to run on my data but i get this message: ValueError: Error when checking input: expected lstm_1_input to have shape (None, 1) but got array with shape (1, 557) this is my code: Answer You need to change the input_shape value for LSTM layer. Also, x_train must have the following shape. So,
