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Tag: loops

Iterating through two lists and return indices

I created a habit tracker app and one of the functions is to return the longest uninterrupted streak of done habits. If there are two or more habits with the same streak length, I want to return all of them. Therefore I saved the habit IDs in an id_list and the respective streak lengths in the streak_length_list. Let me give

Rename the label in tkinter

I work with tkinter. I want to change the name of the labels. By entering the characters in the field and hitting the button, the labels are renamed one by one. That is, the first time I enter the character “Hello”, then that character is inserted in the label; It is then removed from the field. This time I have

loop over series of dictionaries to convert to DataFrames

I have that list of dictionaries in several rows that I need to loop over to create new DataFrame. I have tried the following loop: but getting the following error: unsupported operand type(s) for +: ‘int’ and ‘str’ The type of my s: pandas.core.series.Series Convert string-encoded list into new dataframe s: Answer After reading the related post and your comment,
