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Tag: list

saving appended list/dictionary to pandas dataframe

I am working on a code like below, which slices the address column. For this I have created a dictionary and created an empty list final to append all the pre processing.see code After preprocessing I am appending the empty list. Now, I want to update the df_dict with the final list. and convert the df_dict to pandas dataframe. sample

Why list([]) weighs less than []

I have such code: With the next result: The question is: Why does a list created with list([]) weigh less than a list created with just [] or for _ in condition? Answer (The details in this answer depend on the implementation, they are written to match CPython 3.10.0. Other versions or other implementations of Python work differently.) Lists in

Test if any values in list are in other list

I have a List, L, and some Values, V. If none of them are in the List it passes the condition. As for the other side, if one of them it’s in the list it passes the other condition. The code should be something like this For example I have the following list: And I want to check with the

Python, list of nested repeated keys

I would like to process this json data in python: I would like to get the value of all “chain”s. For example like this: I tried with a for loop, but (in the case of several “chain”s) it returns only the last value of “chain” for example ACH BEP20. Does not return ACH ERC20. Answer You said you used for-loop

python multiply list elements inside list

I use lists to randomly pick an element over many iterations (to create artificial data sets). To change the probability of getting a certain element, I’m repeatedly adding those elements that should have a higher change of being picked, so instead of I would do Is there a better way to do this inline? I tried but this results in
