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Tag: key-value

Python – Generate permutations by key from key value pair list

Problem: I am generating a search query from key=value pairs. The system being queried does not support searching by the same field twice. I need to generate all unique permutations (assuming that is the correct word) of the pairs so I can generate multiple queries. Example query: python –search field_1=”books” and (field_2=”paper” or (field_2=”abcd” and field_4=”test”)) and field_20=80 and

How to create a dictionnary whose key:value pairs are the values of two different lists of dictionnaries?

I have 2 lists of dictionnaries that result from a pymongo extraction. A list of dicts containing id’s (string) and lemmas (strings): lemmas = [{‘id’: ‘id1’, ‘lemma’: ‘lemma1’}, {‘id’: ‘id2’, ‘lemma’: ‘lemma2’}, {‘id’: ‘id3’, ‘lemma’: ‘lemma3’}, …] A list of dicts containing id’s and multiple words per id: words = [{‘id’: ‘id1’, ‘word’: ‘word1.1’}, {‘id’: ‘id1’, ‘word’: ‘word1.2’}, {‘id’: ‘id2’,

How do we get an optimum key value pair from a list of dictionaries in a dataframe column based on certain rules?

I have the following dataframe: Different ‘type’ can occur at the same ‘time’, but the need is to only get the ‘type’ and ‘value’ based on the following conditions: priority 1: the type importance is so as t>o>f priority 2: highest value to be considered from value column I have tried using groupby and dictionary with: grp = merged_df.groupby([‘name’,’time’],as_index=False)[[‘type’,’value’]].apply(lambda x:
