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Tag: jupyter-notebook

Converting .py files to .ipynb

My organisation converts any Jupyter Notebooks (.ipynb files) it makes into python scripts (.py files) for easier management in our repos. I need to convert them back so I can run the notebooks but can’t work out how. I believe they’ve been encoded using the nbconvert package but I couldn’t find a way to convert the files back in the

Importing module on python / jupyter

I made very simple -file and I want to use it as module: When I run another notebook and try to import it, the import is “succesful”. However, when I run my code it comes back: I can by-pass this by editing my code: and then it will work. I do not quite understand why I can’t run the

SSL Error (Port=443) Max retries exceeded when trying to import osmnx data in Jupiter Notebook

When trying to run this line G = ox.graph_from_place(‘Piedmont, CA, USA’, network_type=’drive’) I get this error: I googled and found this could be a solution but I got the same error message: (I changed my/app_1 to “ABC” in the code above) I also tried – since that was in another solution on stackoverflow, this: but the same SSL-error appeared. I’m

Sum multiple rows of dictionaries in a dataframe, based on condition

How can I add the values and keys of multiple dictionaries based on having the same isolate name? Example dataframe: Isolate dictionary VM20030364 {‘L’: 200, ‘V’: 500, ‘T’: 300, ‘A’: 400, ‘S’: 1} VM20030364 {‘L’: 200, ‘V’: 600, ‘T’: 300, ‘A’: 450} VM20030364 {‘L’: 100, ‘V’: 400, ‘T’: 300, ‘A’: 400, ‘S’: 1} UNKNOWN-UW-1773 {‘L’: 500, ‘V’: 360, ‘T’: 340,
