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Tag: json

How to read dictionaries in list of dictionaries in python

I am trying to read some JSON for a leaderboard for my discord bot, formatted like this: I can read the first part fine, but reading this list here is giving me some problems: How can I read the values of each of the dictionaries in the list? For example, say I want to get the dictionary with the key

Python: Safe dictionary access with lists?

Is there an exception free way to access values from a dictionary containing lists. For example, if I have: How do I access the path data[‘object_1’][‘object_2’][‘list’][0][‘property’] safely(i.e. return some default value if not possible to access without throwing error)? I am trying to avoid wrapping these in try-except’s. I have seen the reduce based approach but it doesn’t take into

Convert JSON Dict to Pandas Dataframe

I have what appears to be a very simple JSON dict I need to convert into a Pandas dataframe. The dict is being pulled in for me as a string which I have little control over. I have tried the usual methods such as pd.read_json() and json_normalize() etc but can’t seem to get it anywhere close. Has anyone a few

Finding the headers for values in Json files

Hi I’ve got json data that looks something like this: I’m looking to convert this into lists that look something like this: So far I’ve been able to get all the names that I want using objectpath. But I’ve been unable to get the appropriate headers for each name as it appears to be nested under the ‘content’ header Any

Labeling sentences from different nested dictionaries

I created a function to extract sentences from a specific key in a nested file. Now I would like to include in this function a label each time it comes to a new dictionary. Each time the the value HEADER appears marks the begining of a NEW story. So I would like to label the sentences that belong to the
