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Tag: javascript

How to display legend in toolbox in Charts.js?

I created a scatter chart by using charts.js in my Django project. It is working clearly but in the toolbox, the legends name does not show just number is displaying. How can I display it? I want to display it as: Argentina(44015314.68,28) my code: Answer You can achieve this by using a custom callback to alter the text of the

Display IFrame IPython with custom auth headers

I am developing a JupyterLab Notebook and I need to embed a website for interaction with a dashboard from within the same notebook. This would be quite straight-forward using an IFrame. However, to access this website, that I launch on my public server, JWT authentication is required so I need to send an additional header with the token. Which is

pass variable from JavaScript to Python using Flask [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question It’s an error I’ve been stuck on for a while. How would I pass this to python with Flask without

How do I scrape the login token generated by JS in Python?

I have to scrape a website, which requires a login token. The value is being replaced later via JS. The above code is present in the source code after </html> tag. Like so: I have to copy this value and post it to a URL via http request to get request accepted. But I could not get this value. The

Google Earth Engine multiple filters on date

Using Google Earth engine API, I can filter the start and end date of a satellite data. In this code for example, I can retrieve ASTER information between January 1st 2018 to July 15th 2018. What I need to do, is to retrieve data between 2010 to 2020 but in summers only. Definitely, when I apply multiple filters, it

Failed to set remote answer sdp: Called in wrong state: stable

I am trying to write a WebRTC application using The signalling server is written in python and looks like this. The client side looks like this Also i use this code for client as When two people are in the connection, everything works great. But as soon as a third user tries to connect to them, the

Selenium – Wait for the ScrollIntoView to finish

I need to scroll to an element and take a screenshot of the page but the driver takes the screenshot before the page is completely scrolled to the element. I’ve used a time sleep in this way but I really don’t want to use sleeps since they are not test-oriented. I’ve tried to wait for the element to be visible
