I wrote the following code to normalize an image using NORM_L1 in OpenCV. But the output image was just black. How to solve this? Answer If you want to change the range to [0, 1], make sure the output data type is float.
Tag: image
Viewing .npy images
How can I view images stored with a .npy extension and save my own files in that format? Answer .npy is the file extension for numpy arrays – you can read them using numpy.load: One of the easiest ways to view them is using matplotlib’s imshow function: You could also use PIL or pillow: These functions aren’t part of the
Access pixel values within a contour boundary using OpenCV in Python
I’m using OpenCV 3.0.0 on Python 2.7.9. I’m trying to track an object in a video with a still background, and estimate some of its properties. Since there can be multiple moving objects in an image, I want to be able to differentiate between them and track them individually throughout the remaining frames of the video. One way I thought
Convert PIL Image to byte array?
I have an image in PIL Image format. I need to convert it to byte array. Now I need the roiImg as a byte array. Answer Thanks everyone for your help. Finally got it resolved!! With this i don’t have to save the cropped image in my hard disc and I’m able to retrieve the byte array from a PIL
Add an image in a specific position in the document (.docx)?
I use Python-docx to generate Microsoft Word document.The user want that when he write for eg: “Good Morning every body,This is my %(profile_img)s do you like it?” in a HTML field, i create a word document and i recuper the picture of the user from the database and i replace the key word %(profile_img)s by the picture of the user
Django Ckeditor image browser not finding images
So I’m building a simple blog to keep track of my projects. I decided to use CKeditor as the wysiwyg editor. I was able to get all of it to work except for the image portion of it. I’m not able to view the images in the server when I hit “image browse”, and whenever I upload an image, it
PIL and pygame.image
I had opened an image using PIL, as Draw some text on it, as and then saved it as to open it using pygame.image I just want to do it without saving.. Can that be possible? It is taking a lot of time to save and then load(0.12 sec Yes, that is more as I have multiple images which require
cvtcolor in Cv2 – no attribute
I’m writing a program to collect a series of images from a USB microscope and generate an average as a way of denoising. I’m having to convert the image into a numpy array, sum the pixels then divide before converting back to an image. Somewhere along the line the channels get mixed so my output is BGR not RGB, I’m
Cherrypy base64 image encoding not working as expected
The Problem: I have been playing around with CherryPy for the past couple of days but I’m still having some trouble with getting images to work how I could expect them to. I can save an uploaded image as a jpg without issue but I can’t convert it to a base64 image properly. Here’s the simple server I wrote: server.py
How does one convert a grayscale image to RGB in OpenCV (Python)?
I’m learning image processing using OpenCV for a realtime application. I did some thresholding on an image and want to label the contours in green, but they aren’t showing up in green because my image is in black and white. Early in the program I used gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) to convert from RGB to grayscale, but to go back