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Tag: if-statement

Should I be using an if statement or a loop?

It’s me, your friendly Python noob! I’m working on this program and I’m trying to figure out how to get the program to stop if the number exceeds a certain threshold OR if the user enters anything other than a number to loop back around and try again. Here is what I have so far: The if statements in main()

if else Conditions

The problem is like this My solution: Now, if I enter 18 then it should be printed “Weird”. But it is showing “Not Weird”. I am not getting where the problem of my code is. Answer The operator & is the bitwise and operation. You need logical AND, instead, and it is done by means of and keyword. Just replace

Coverage for one-liner if statement

Static code analyzers for Python do not generate branches in the following case (one-liner if). Is this by design? Even coverage gives 100% coverage even if only one case is tested. Can anyone please shed some light on this? Answer The first comment says “does not create a control structure.” I don’t know what that means. Whether it’s one line
