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Tag: google-chrome

chrome not reachable Selenium webDriverException

Option values when creating drivers On the remote server(ubuntu on EC2) via ssh, Attempt to run Python scripts using selenium via nohup python3 ~~. py> ~/log.out & It works well when maintaining the ssh connection with the server. But an error occurs a few seconds after disconnecting the ssh selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: chrome not reachable (Session info: headless chrome=102.0.5005.61) How do

How do I use a feature on a website using python

I am trying to figure out how to activate/click on a feature using python. Like it goes to a page and click on a certain button. How can I do this? Are there any modules that may help? Answer Try using the selenium package in Python. Once you pip install selenium and download chromedriver, you should be able to use

Select a button with selenium with same XPATH but no tag or id

I would like to select a button with selenium on the net, here’s the HTML code of the button: They are 1 to 5 and have all the same XPATH : //html/body/div[2]/div/section/section/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div/div[1]/div/button[1] How can I select the third or second button with no tag in the HTML code? Answer You can use find_elements instead of find_element. Then you can get

Finding the ‘Sign in’ button on a webpage using Selenium

I’m new to Selenium and I’m trying to automate a login task on this webpage using Chrome. I’ve been successful in finding and sending keys to the email and password fields. However I’m unable to click the ‘Sign in’ button. The inspect element yields the following, I’ve tried using which yielded in an error since there’s no name field. I’ve
