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Tag: git

Python subprocess – git log wrong JSON Format

I tried to format git log to json but failed miserabely. I used this command for the formatting, and I don’t think this is where my problem lies, but hey you never know. These are my functions. As a result I get this file – in the wrong JSON Format. Why is this and what is wrong. output/test.json What do

Unable to Deploy Django App to Heroku because of PyWin32

So I have gone through the forums in search for an answer but haven’t found one that works for me. I am using Windows machine and my Django application works on Localhost but when I try to deploy the same application to Heroku it gives me this error. I have removed pywin32 from the requirements.txt file but still when I

Git commands output in a file using python in Windows 10

I am trying This works in powershell well but if I do this using python – fatal: ‘*’ does not appear to be a git repository fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Btw, this worked! But I want all kinds of output in the file! What is the best way to do this? Answer Have a look at redirection

Configure GitPython to output/log commands and process output

I’m using GitPython to run several simple commands against repos. Essentially most of it is just: Is there some way to setup GitPython to output/log the commands that are run, and also display the raw output they produce? For example, the above I would expect to be something along the lines of: Answer GitPython uses the module logging. By adding
