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Tag: flask

TypeError: ‘NoneType’ object is not subscriptable on GAE instance assigning JSON to python variable

I’m getting an error TypeError: ‘NoneType’ object is not subscriptable when assigning JSON to a python variable like this sheet_id = data[“sheetID”]. It only happens on my Google App Engine instance. I don’t get it when running my Flask app locally and sending POST requests to the app with Postman. Here’s the code snippet The strange thing is that the

flask web socket not connecting

i am trying to connect websocket in flask(1.1.2) with Flask-SocketIO(5.0.1) but it give 400 error to websocket url. i`m using anaconda virtual environment. my requirements.txt is – amqp==5.0.3, bidict==0.21.2, certifi==2020.12.5,click==7.1.2, dnspython==1.16.0, eventlet==0.30.0, Flask==1.1.2, Flask-SocketIO==5.0.1, gevent==21.1.1, gevent-websocket==0.10.1, greenlet==1.0.0, importlib-metadata==3.4.0, itsdangerous==1.1.0, Jinja2==2.11.2, kombu==5.0.2, MarkupSafe==1.1.1, python-engineio==4.0.0, python-socketio==5.0.4, six==1.15.0, typing-extensions==, vine==5.0.0, Werkzeug==1.0.1, zipp==3.4.0, zope.event==4.5.0, zope.interface==5.2.0 Answer It’s because of version compatibility, you should either

RQ task from Flask keeps adding to queue

My setup is: Running Redis on docker locally running RQ in virtualenv(rq) running Flask in virtualenv(rq) Goal is to launch RQ tasks by hitting the Flask app. Redis seems to running fine, as does the rq worker (launched by “rq worker”) Simple tasks get queued and done. The simple subprocessed “ls” task2 runs fine. But my subprocessed python does not!

How to convert python function to rest api

I have the following code in python. Now, I need to convert this code into rest api. The objective is to take the value of ‘val’ from the user on the webpage using a slider input. P.S. – Mongo Server is being used. Can anyone tell me how to do that and convert this code. It’s just that the input

How do i embed nnv diagram in flask?

I want to embed a nnv render in flask but my code semms to not be rendering the neural-network diagram. My code: Answer The problem is that matplotlib is used to plot the neural network graph; in order to return an image as an HTTP response, you need to convert the plot to bytes.

Error when trying to connect to flask via localhost

I can across a script on github that send a Post request using flask. I am trying run the script to establish a connection on my local host. But I get the below response The method is not allowed for the requested URL. Answer you are trying to have only a root i.e “/” in your route. Can you try

OpenCV on Flask only works with “flask run” and not under Apache2

I want to use Open CV on a Flask Server but when I import cv2 and load up the page on my browser, it get the Error ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE. I get no import erros or other exceptions from Flask itself, only this notice from my Apache2 logfile. I have tried running it with flask run –host(‘’) and everything worked fine and

Python-Flask No response: After stayed active for one day

App description: I am using Python-Flask module with PostgreSql 12 as a REST API on a Web based application. There is a lot of request based heartbeat (JavaScript SetIntervals to send heartbeat almost for a every second and the CRUD operations for every user request on a small scale) and REST data (json data with responsed jsonify library of flask)
