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Tag: dotenv

docker compose .env variables not set

I have the following docker-compose.yml: In my .env file I have the following: This is to start up a flask api, but what I get when I run the container with: docker compose –env-file .env up –build or docker-compose –env-file .env up –build is this: The api insists on starting on suggesting that the environment variables are not set

How do I solve error “dotenv installation error” on pycharm

I am trying to install dotenv package on pycharm edu,but keep getting error that reads “AttributeError: module ‘importlib._bootstrap’ has no attribute ‘SourceFileLoader’ ” I tried to solve this using the python terminal by running command “pip install –user dotenv” as root user but still got the same error command output reads as follows Command “python egg_info” failed with error
