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Tag: dockerfile

Why does my Python file directory structure not match my Dockerfile output?

My Dockerfile (run by a much larger docker-compose): and the relevant code from the docker-compose.yml: The Python code I’m using to check the directory structure: and its output: I don’t understand why the directory structure seen/output by the Dockerfile would be completely different from the directory structure seen/output by my Python file. For some reason, even though the Python code

How to create a Dockerfile for streamlit app

I am aiming to deploy a web-app written with Sreamlit, I can run this on my local machine by running streamlit run in my command line. However, I’m not sure how to create the docker file. Any advice? Answer In order to Dockerise your app you need two files: Dockerfile : describes the image structure, docker-compose.yml : describes how

Error in anyjson setup command: use_2to3 is invalid

This is a common error which the most common solution to is to downgrade setuptools to below version 58. This was not working for me. I tried installing python3-anyjson but this didn’t work either. I’m at a complete loss.. any advice or help is much appreciated. If it matters: this application is legacy spaghetti and I am trying to polish

ADD multiple Files to a docker but just RUN one of them

It’s just a theoretical question. Is there a way to run the docker but only run one specific script without changing the Dockerfile? Maybe with the docker run [container] command? Dockerfile: Theoretical Command: docker run docker-test Answer There is nothing “theoretical” about this. Docker copies into place the files, and if they are working executables, you can execute them

Windows compatibility: Permissions?

OS Windows 10, I am using Docker Engine version 18.09.2, the API version is 1.39 The website explaining the steps to run CAT is: I am building the medcat image locally. Output looks good until the end of the build process: When I am trying to start the container I just built, I get: Does anyone have experience with
