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Tag: django

Formset Not Saving on UpdateView Django

I’m having problem on formset not saving on UpdateView. This has been discussed in several SO post, and so far I can summarized them to following Make sure to pass an instance. Hence. Reference context[‘formset’] = journal_entry_formset(self.request.POST, instance=self.object) Override the POST method. Reference Another One My UpdateView is an exact replica of my CreateView except for two changes above. Here

Python Flask Executor | How to pass results from a background task to a currently active html page

To setup a simple html front-end and python flask back- Create a html script (index.html) and save D:Projectstest_backgroundtasktemplatesviews Create a python script and save D:Projectstest_backgroundtask: Code To create a background task, flask has a package called flask_executor Updated python script using excutor to create a background Required Output: Once the results are completed, the table containing test_val should be displayed.

Django How to get GET parameters in template

I’m working on a django project. I’m wondering how to get GET parameters in template so that I can make corresponding tab active. I tried the code below, but it didn’t work. Thank you in advance. Answer Get it in view and send it as parameter in render and use it in template Or get it as and set in

Where developers save choice options in Django?

For example i have a choice Should i create a model like: and create some color instances in django-admin or i need to declare CHOICE(above), where i save all colors(even if there are many colors)? Answer Let’s say you need to make a model product and this model has multiple colors. In this case you need to create a model

Object of type BoundField is not JSON serializable

A have a chain of OneToMany relations (one) Construction -> Camera -> Frame -> Event I want to output data about Camera in EventSerializer (GET method). I am using get_construction method I want to use ConstructionSerializer for Construction object ( <class ‘api_buildings.models.Construction’>) But I have an error Object of type BoundField is not JSON serializable How can I fix

url path is matching the wrong view in drf viewsets

Django beginner here, I have two similar endpoints as shown below, they differ in their url_path of the action decorator and the request parameters requester_id and approval id The problem both /workflow_approvals/{requester_id}/ and /workflow_approvals/{approval_id}/ are routing to the requester method view(the first below) my file looks like this Answer Django doesn’t have a way of differentiating /workflow_approvals/{requester_id}/ and /workflow_approvals/{approval_id}/,
