I have a table that I sort by date, it works fine in EDGE and Chrome, but the order is messed in Firefox. A series of rows that should be on top got moved down to the bottom. HTML: View: Any information helps! :) Update: I realized the problem was caused by the jQuery corresponding to the HTML element: Seems
Tag: django
Django Model method that uses data from the model
I want to generate unique codes (e.g. “DXGH”) and save it as a field in one of my models. The problem I have is that I do not know how to check against previously generated codes whenever a new object is created. Currently my models.py looks something like this: Ideally I would set the default value of room_code to code_gen_unique,
How to correctly use Fetch in JavaScript and Django?
I am trying to make a METAR decoder as shown: I am using fetch in Vanilla js and I plan to send the entered code to a Django view. From the Django view, the decoded data will be taken and displayed in the template. views.py urls.py tools.html tool.js I have used the same code for POST using fetch where I
‘QuerySet’ object has no attribute ‘x’
I want to go to a users page and see the their photos, so I was trying to get the objects assigned to a foreign key, but I keep getting the error above AttributeError at /user/30/ ‘QuerySet’ object has no attribute ‘file’. I feel like the problem is in my syntax, but I really have no clue why it can’t
django charfield not showing in admin panel
i create a model in django and register it in admin.py when i go to admin panel it shows the model but when i want to create object it doesn’t show the charfields and i can just create the oject without any details this is my codes below view.py model.py stting.py admin.py this screenshot is from my admin panel >
How do I filter a Django Model by month or year from a JSON dict?
I am trying to parse through a JSON database and filter by month or by year using Django and this is driving me up a wall since this should be simple. An example of the dict key value pair in the JSON object is formatted as so: From my views.py file, I set up this function to filter the model:
Extracting data from Django Queryset and inserting into a Python list
I am trying to get one column of data from a Django model into a python list for further processing the in Django view. I have successfully created a simple Django model and populated the data. The fields are: “id”, “x_coord”, “y_coord”. I have run a few commands to extract data from the model. I want to get the values
What should I use to enter data to my database on Django? Django admin or SQL code?
I am a newbie in programming, but now I connected my project with PostgreSQL. I learned the way to enter by SQL code and also found out that we can actually enter /adming (by creating the superuser and add data there). So which one is widely used in webdev? Answer It will depend completely on your application. You can add
Python: Run a code after return something
This is an ApiView from my django project: As you see, if client.is_busy is not True, I’m making it True in here. But in this situation, I need to client.is_busy = False after 30 seconds. If I do it under client.save() code, it delays to response. How can I do it? Answer You should consider using timer objects here. e.g.
django pytest how to test a view with argument(id)
i have a question regarding using pytest. These are my very 1st tests. I have 2 views which i want to test (simplest possible way). Views: Here are my tests: Urls: 1st test (menu view) is working properly 2nd test (cuisine details view) shows error I know i should probably put somethere ID argument but tried few options and havent