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Tag: creating a reaction game

What I’ve tried StackOverflow articles Need help to fix a certain bug in rock, scissor and paper. documentation How can I add reaction to a message (checked plenty of articles, but I’m not going to add them in order to get into the point) I’ve managed to retrieve the emoji from the user in the check method, but still ctx commands not recognised

im fairly new to coding in general and recently started trying to code my own bot. Almost all of the tutorials i have seen use the ctx command however, whenever i use it i get this error: Here is part of my code that uses the ctx command. The aim is to get it to delete the last 3 messages

Timestamp for when the Giveaway Ends

So, i want to do an Timestamp to my Giveaway Command for when the Giveaway Ends. Now the Timestamp is 01.01.1970, i imported datetime and did an convert system. There isnt any Error, so it must been my Code. Any ideas how i can do that? I have no clue how i can change that My Convert System And this

discord.embed update with role reaction

I’m trying to update a discord.embed with reaction: I create a discord embed with some default information, and add the reaction I want to use, the idea is that when someone react with one of the select reaction, the name of the user is added to the field. ( I actually have 4 commands using the same “template” with the

‘Member’ has no attribute ‘server’

In the given code below I was trying to give a role to the person who reacts to a message by using any emoji but this code throws me an error saying that ‘Member’ has no attribute ‘server’ what should I do now? Answer First off take a look at the documentation. It’ll tell you everything you need to know Sending attachments for ‘say’ command

I have a ‘say’ command for my bot where it repeats what the user writes in the command message: I want it to also include the attachments if the user included any, but i can’t seem to get it to work. I keep getting the error: What am i doing wrong? In the docs it says that the ctx.message.attachments

How to get/request the api:

I want to show in game stats when the player puts in $stats (username) Answer First, you need to request the api which you need the requests module. Next, you need to know how to get the data from the requested api. I wouldn’t suggest using requests within asynchronous code since it’s blocking. uses aiohttp, so it should already
