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Tag: datetime

How to convert dataframe column into UTC datetime format?

I want to convert this Origin column in the dataframe data_copy to UTC datetime format There is also some data entries with 00:00:00 Time (I need to convert this also) I tried this command data_copy[“Origin”] = pd.to_datetime(data_copy[“Origin”],infer_datetime_format=True) But I am getting error like this How could I convert the column into UTC datetime format? Answer Here is problem datetimes are

Datetime Timezones from String

I am trying to figure out how to make a datetime object aware through using a variable. I grab the timezone of the user and pass it through a form to be used. I have tried both of the below methods and am not having much success This will then give me errors of TypeError: tzinfo argument must be None

python datetime strptime format

I have a datetime string like: I used strptime() function in datetime module to convert the string to datetime object. My datetime format is “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f” When I parse this above string, the function raises ValueError because of missing millisecond part in the string. How can I have datetime object with millisecond is 0 when I don’t specify it in the
