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Tag: datetime

Converting datetime only to time in pandas

I would like to ask a question regarding converting datetime only to time. I have values ‘Date Created” that include Dates and Times in one column and I would like to create two columns: one with only Date and one with Time. I wrote a code but in Time column I got a default date of 1900-01-01 along with time.

Generate list of random datetimes in ISO8601 format in Python

I want to generate a list of length n with random datetime strings in Python within a range. I had asked a similar question before, but I did not use the correct format for datetime.What is the best way to achieve this? Answer Modifying the answer here for your format: Outputs: Then if you want the text ISO format,

Can not force stop python script using ctrl + C

Normally to force stop python script that are running, we normal just press Ctrl + C (in Interactive console). In this case, it does not stop, when I press Ctrl + C. Here is my code for this situation: I want it to force it to stop before the 20seconds is reached. Please help explain why this happened and help

python psycopg2 select current_timestamp problem with timezone

I’m calling a simple select to obtain current timestamp with timezone with psycopg2 and it’s retrieving UTC time instead of my local time (-3). datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 13, 20, 49, 47, 931834,, name=None)) In postgresql I’m doing: This retrieves (Argentina time -3): So this is correct, but in Python: Select method retrieves: So datetime object is comming with offset 0,

How to get an extended dataframe with consecutive datetime rows?

I have a pandas dataframe which looks like this: The type of column Time is datetime64[ns, pytz.FixedOffset(60)](1), float64(7), int64(1), frequency of this column is 2H. I now want to extend the dataframe by new dates in order to get a dataframe like this one: Answer This function should do the work. As parameters it takes in: df dataframe you want

Pandas DateTime for Month

I have month column with values formatted as: 2019M01 To find the seasonality I need this formatted into Pandas DateTime format. How to format 2019M01 into datetime so that I can use it for my seasonality plotting? Thanks. Answer Use to_datetime with format parameter:
