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Tag: dataframe

Pandas: replacing nan values conditionally within a group

I have a dataframe with missing values. for each index in a column group, i want to replace these values seperately. If all of the values in a group are missing, i want to replace the values with 1. If only some of the values are missing, i want to replace it with data from an imputed dataframe dataframe 1

How to sort MultiIndex using values from a given column

I have a DataFrame with 2-level index and column with the numerical values. I want to sort it by level-0 and level-1 index in such a way that the the order of 0-level index is determined by the sum of values from Value column (descending), and the order of 1-level index is also determined by the values in Value column.

Add Categorical Column with Specific Count

I’m trying to create a new categorical column of countries with specific percentage values. Take the following dataset, for instance: I’m trying the following script to get the new column: However, I’m getting all the countries with equal count. I want specific count for each country: Desired Output What would be the ideal way of getting the desired output? Any
