We have 4 cameras “camA”, “camB”, “camC”, “camD” installed at every junction along a road and in this sequence. The flow of traffic is such “camA” is at the beginning, and “camD” is at the end. Whenever a vehicle passes a junction or makes a turn at the junction, the camera is positioned to record down the license plate number.
Tag: data-processing
Create new dataframe that contain the average value from some of the columns in the old dataframe
I have a dataframe extracted from a csv file. I want to iterate a data process where only some of the columns’s data is the mean of n rows, while the rest of the columns is the first row for each iteration. For example, the data extracted from the csv consisted of 100 rows and 6 columns. I have a
“How to consolidate Values present in Unique Rownames” and add a row containing their Sum
I want to append 2 Rows (Yes/No) for Each Unique Session name. Eg: Take 1st Session I want to Add 2 Rows Yes and No which comprises of values as stated below Yes -> “On Duty + Attended + Online Prescence” => 25+30+40 = 95 No -> “Did Not Attend => 10. Is there any way to do it in