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Tag: cupy

Difference between cupy.asnumpy() and get()

Given a CuPy array a, there are two ways to get a numpy array from it: a.get() and cupy.asnumpy(a). Is there any practical difference between them? Answer cp.asnumpy is a wrapper calling ndarray.get. You can see that in the code of cp.asnumpy: As you can see (both in the documentation and in the code), cp.asnumpy supports more input types than

Cupy says it has scipy’s cg implemented, but cannot find cg(conjugate gradient method) when installed

I am unable to find this after the installation of cupy. It says module not found Can anyone help me? I don’t know what’s wrong, but I have installed cupy via pip, and this library was supposed to be there, but its not present. Answer The module is available in CuPy v9 betas. (The v: latest docs are generated

Fastest method of bilinear weighting of a 2D point cloud onto a grid

Given a point (0.8, 0.6) and an intensity (3), one can bi-linearly “reverse interpolate” a single point onto a 2×2 grid with integer indices (0,0) -> (1,1). The points and grid are oriented with the first entry increasing downwards, and the second entry increasing towards the right. On such a grid, the weight of just the coordinate above becomes: and
