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Tag: cmd

Opening python files through cmd not working

I want to run python files through cmd (python 3) from my desktop by using this command: I have made sure to click on all the ok buttons when adding a path, I had the python installation automatically add paths so python works through the terminal. It just won’t do it without me pasting in the path manually every time.

Could not import “D”: FLASK_APP

I am new to Flask. I wrote this basic code and save it in in my D:Cat_vs_Dogscripts folder. Then in command prompt, I wrote the following commands. I am getting this error. What should I do…? Answer Flask v1.1.x The above documentation link describes: The flask command is installed by Flask, not your application; it must be told

Python cmd module – Resume prompt after asynchronous event

I am maintaining an operator terminal based on cmd. The customer asked for an alerting behavior. e.g. a message shown onscreen when some asynchronous event occurs. I made a thread that periodically checks for alerts, and when it finds some, it just prints them to stdout. This seems to work OK, but it doesn’t seem very elegant, and it has
