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Tag: classification

Mismatch of manual computation of a evaluation metrics with Sklearn functions

I wanted to compare the manual computations of the precision and recall with scikit-learn functions. However, recall_score() and precision_score() of scikit-learn functions gave me different results. Not sure why! Could you please give me some advice why I am getting different results? Thanks! My confusion matrix: Answer It should be (check return value’s ordering): Please refer: here

Micro metrics vs macro metrics

To test the results of my multi-label classfication model, I measured the Precision, Recall and F1 scores. I wanted to compare two different results, Micro and Macro. I have a dataset with few rows, but my label count is around 1700. Why is the macro so low even though I get a high result in micro, which one would be

Scikit-learn train_test_split with indices

How do I get the original indices of the data when using train_test_split()? What I have is the following But this does not give the indices of the original data. One workaround is to add the indices to data (e.g. data = [(i, d) for i, d in enumerate(data)]) and then pass them inside train_test_split and then expand again. Are
