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Tag: beautifulsoup

How to iterate in each element?

We need to take the stocks with BeautifulSoup. Code only iterates the first element. How to iterate each one? Answer First find all ul elements and iterate over it to find title and values according to class wise and append items to dict1 with key title Now you can use pandas module to transform data to DataFrame using pd.DataFrame method

beautifulsoup Case Insensitive?

I was reading: Is it possible for BeautifulSoup to work in a case-insensitive manner? But it’s not what I actually needed, I’m looking for all img tags in webpage, which include: IMG, Img etc… This code: Will only look for img tags case sensitive so how can I solve this problem without adding new line for every single possibility (and returns an empty list

I have an issue with .select which always returns an empty list while practicing webscraping. I am working on the following page: using BeautifulSoup. I am getting and parsing HTML as following: I try to retrieve the urls of each articles displayed on the page, under class “title row-space-1” (I use developer tools of chrome to find class, disabled

How do I remove a common character from each element in my list?

I’m cleaning up my data after web scraping and the list has n before each element. SP500 = [‘nAAPL’, ‘nMSFT’, ‘nGOOG’, ‘nGOOGL’, ‘nAMZN’, ‘nTSLA’…] How should I go about removing the n from each element? Answer If you know it is always the same pattern, you can use str.removeprefix() available for python 3.9+, in your case: If you know it’s
