I would like to extract a string from a HTML source with only beautifulsoup. I am trying to extract: “1 van de maximaal 3 actieve reacties” from the following HTML: My current code retrieves the entire span class, but I cannot find out how I can only extract the string, without the use of .split or some sort of string
Tag: beautifulsoup
How to select all tags HTML
From this webpage I need to select all tags <b> </b> with BeautifulSoup4. I have tried using find_all() and select() but they fail to show all <b> tags when used in the array Answer There are different parsers used in parsing a html document, the most used one is ‘html.parser’. I have used lxml here which uses both xml and
Pb to select a text from a dropdown list
I started learning Python/Selenium. After several attempts, I can’t find a way to extract the text from a dropdown list, and I would like to put a for loop after the first extraction. this is the image: enter image description here the link : enter link description here Answer You can do like this
Python – trying to get beautifulsoup to find words in a list, but it’s unable to find them
I’m working on my first project that isn’t straight out of a book but I’m having trouble getting a function to work. The function receives a list of strings and a BeautifulSoup object and attempts to find each word in the soup.text. However, the code seems unable to find any words/strings at all even when I am certain it should
How to only scrape link from webpage – Python
My goal is to get each link My code prints the href/link, however it also prints other junk which i do not want. I only want the href/ Answer Because href=True means get those tags with href attribute.There are still Tag. To get the href, you also need to use .get(“href”).Since there is only one button in each session tag,
How to encode a webscraped image link in UTF-8 to ASCII but still have a functional link?
I’m trying to webscrape a link to an image to use it in my Kivy app. The problem is that the image adress has Polish signs in it (ę, ł , ó, ą) and I get this error: Full error traceback: Here is an example where you can see what I mean. On picture loads normaly, without errors, the second
Python: Beautiful Soup’s “find_all” does not extract any content from HTML
I am currently trying to webscrape googles playstore. More specifically I want to create a dataset, that contains ratings of the disney+ app. Based a tutorial on webscraping (Building a dataset of Graphic Cards on “Newegg.com”) I had no troubles in extracting the necesary information from the website. I did so by finding the correct container within the html code
Nonetype error/ No elements printed using beautifulsoup for python
So im trying to compare 2 lists using python, one contains like 1000 links i fetched from a website. The other one contains a few words, that might be contained in a link in the first list. If this is the case, i want to get an output. i printed that first list, it actually works. for example if the
BeautifulSoup returns empty list with valid html content
I’m trying to build a webscraper for a hungarian e-commerce site called https://www.arukereso.hu. The problem is that when the nextpage() function is first called, it returns a valid link (https://www.arukereso.hu/notebook-c3100/?start=25), the request’s content is also valid html, but BeautifulSoup makes an empty list out of it, therefore the program ends with an error. I would be grateful, if someone could
How to get the text from certain class name if other sibling class exists?
I’ve tried to get the text from class=”eventAwayMinute”>57 in every matchEvent class (Parent tag) If a matchEvent class contains class=”eventIcon eventIcon_1″: I tried and it dose not work. I tried also But it returns all minutes that exist in every matchEvent (There is several matchEvent classes in html code). Answer You can use the :has() CSS Selector to check if