to begin with I am a beginner and trying to achieve something which is currently out of my league. However, I hope you guys can help me out. Much appreciated. I am trying to scrape the table from I already tried using the out-of-the-box solution from Google sheets however the site is Java Script based which Google sheets cannot
Tag: beautifulsoup
Unable to insert 2d array within gspread
I’m trying to insert a 2D array in order to get two columns inserted into a sheet via gspread. I’m able to insert the individual lists fine, but inserting the array causes an error. Here’s my code. Here’s the value of rows [[[‘$81.57’], [‘$80.91’], [‘$91.63’], [‘$91.63’], [‘$455.20’], [‘$196.90’], [‘$282.60’], [‘$146.10’], [‘$97.22’], [‘$166.70’], [‘$287.30’], [‘$237.50’]], [‘781411’, ‘781415’, ‘781412’, ‘781416’, ‘701355’, ‘701330’,
scraping table from a website result as empty
I am trying to scrape the main table with tag : from following website using ‘BeautifulSoup’ library, but the code returns empty [] while printing soup returns html string and request status is 200. I found out that when i use browser ‘inspect element’ tool i can see the table tag but in “view page source” the table tag which
Beautifulsoup: extracting td list in table
I’m stuck with a BeautifulSoup problem that I think is simple but I can’t seem to solve. It is about extracting each td from the following table to create a loop and a list: What I need is to create a dictionary with some elements of each tr to create a dataframe later. I would like to have a list
Beautiful Soup: extract 2 different tags and append them together in text only output
I have been playing around with beautiful soup trying to learn it. So far ive learned some stuff but im struggle to put my use case together. how do i print, both movieslist and moviescore text only appended together? appreciate the help and info. really enjoying python and some of its applications like web scraping. Answer The key here is
unable to print data from multiple urls using Selenium Python
As to say this code works but problem that i am facing that only one url it scrape the data afterward it through an error as show below in figure help me out from this . it print only one link after it through session not created error Answer ISSUE: The issue is with the remote debugging port, you already
Beautifulsoup : Unable to extract href with several conditions
I’m trying to extract every links with BeautifulSoup from the SEC website such as this one by using the code from this Github. The thing is I do not want to extract every 8-K but only the ones matching the items “2.02” within the column “Description”. So i edited the “” file and identified the following : I’ve tried to
Better way of capturing multiple same tags?
I’m trying to create an scraper which scrapes download links, I want to use regex but that would be a nightmare for me to do, I’ve found this library which is called BeautifulSoup, I’m trying to capture the urls in the children of div class=”article-content” which is <p> tag, and this <h3> is the name of the urls,I don’t want
Get meta tag content by name, beautiful soup and python
I’m trying to get the meta data from this website(here’s the code). however I get this error. Any ideas? Answer From bs4 docs: You can’t use a keyword argument to search for HTML’s name element, because Beautiful Soup uses the name argument to contain the name of the tag itself. Instead, you can give a value to ‘name’ in the
beautiful soup find_all() not returning all elements
I am trying to scrape this website using bs4. Using inspect on particular car ad tile, I figured what I need to scrape in order to get the title & the link to the car’s page. I am making use of the find_all() function of the bs4 library but the issue is that it’s not scraping the required info of