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Tag: beautifulsoup

Unable to insert 2d array within gspread

I’m trying to insert a 2D array in order to get two columns inserted into a sheet via gspread. I’m able to insert the individual lists fine, but inserting the array causes an error. Here’s my code. Here’s the value of rows [[[‘$81.57’], [‘$80.91’], [‘$91.63’], [‘$91.63’], [‘$455.20’], [‘$196.90’], [‘$282.60’], [‘$146.10’], [‘$97.22’], [‘$166.70’], [‘$287.30’], [‘$237.50’]], [‘781411’, ‘781415’, ‘781412’, ‘781416’, ‘701355’, ‘701330’,

scraping table from a website result as empty

I am trying to scrape the main table with tag : from following website using ‘BeautifulSoup’ library, but the code returns empty [] while printing soup returns html string and request status is 200. I found out that when i use browser ‘inspect element’ tool i can see the table tag but in “view page source” the table tag which

Beautifulsoup: extracting td list in table

I’m stuck with a BeautifulSoup problem that I think is simple but I can’t seem to solve. It is about extracting each td from the following table to create a loop and a list: What I need is to create a dictionary with some elements of each tr to create a dataframe later. I would like to have a list
