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Tag: beautifulsoup

How to use playwright and beautifulsoup on web page which has pagination?

Locked for 37 days. There are disputes about this question’s content being resolved at this time. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions. I am new to web scraping. I want to scrape the data (comments and respective dates) from this web page–151777938 It has pagination for pages…. This is the way I am doing This code

How to go to the next page using BeautifulSoup?

I am trying to scrape data from all the 37 web pages from this website. The website I am scrapping doesn’t allow going to the next page through the search bar. This is the HTML written for the next button. I know that this can be done with Selenium, but is there any way to do this with BeautifulSoup? Is

How to scrape only a single href from a div class?

I would like to extract the content of the 1st <a href> from this <div> I’m using BeautifulSoup and I’m also scraping some other contents from the same page and by using the following solution as result for abstract I’m having None Is there a system to reach the first href by using something similar to ‘a'[:1]? Answer You can

Python – Beautiful Soup – extract text between and

HTML content I have a webpage to parse. The HTML code is in the figure. I need to extract the price, which is simple text: This is the only “price” class on the page. So I call the find() method: The cost is None. I have tried .next_sibling function and .text functions. But as find() returns None, I have an

Scraping all entries of lazyloading page using python

See this page with ECB press releases. These go back to 1997, so it would be nice to automate getting all the links going back in time. I found the tag that harbours the links (‘//*[@id=”lazyload-container”]’), but it only gets the most recent links. How to get the rest? Answer The data is loaded via JavaScript from another URL. You
