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Tag: authentication

FastAPI – Unable to get auth token from middleware’s Request object

Following Starlette documentation (FastAPI uses Starlette for middlewares), response.headers[“Authorization”] should allow me to get the bearer token, but I get a KeyError saying no such attribute exists. When I print response.headers, I get MutableHeaders({‘content-length’: ’14’, ‘content-type’: ‘application/json’}). Why is the authorization attribute not in the header despite of making a request with an auth header? Answer You are trying to

Forbidden: /api/v1.0/user/create-user/ & { “detail”: “Authentication credentials were not provided.” } DJANGO

I was creating Login functionality for my Python Django backend, “create user” functionality was working fine before. But then after Login was entirely coded, the create-user stopped working. My file: My file: My file: My project’s file: Postman Request: I get the same for when I tried to log in an existing user, after which I

can you suggest an alternative for platform.login

i recently started experimenting in the RingCentral sandbox environment and facing issues with this part of the code I went to know if there is an alternative to code Answer Looking at your code snippet, I can see that the platform.login() function signature is incorrect as you are passing extra argument. Correct function signatures in Python are: Logging with username,

python – read .txt file line by line

I am trying to read every line of my file which contains a list of usernames and than make a login system with it. I am trying to implement a basic login system which has usernames stored in a .txt file but my code doesn’t work and I don’t know why. I think that the problem is in my loop

Storing data in .txt file and retrieving it

I was trying to make some sort of login system, I have it so that if a username and password are in test.txt (there is multiple ones) it should let you login, I haven’t even passed the step of verifying if the username and password are in the txt file and its destroying me, I don’t know how to do

How to invoke Cloud Function from Cloud Scheduler with Authentication

I’ve looked everywhere and it seems people either use pubsub, app engine http or http with no auth. Not too many people out there showing their work for accessing functions via authentication w/ oidc tokens to access google functions. I checked out: Cannot invoke Google Cloud Function from GCP Scheduler but nothing seemed to work. Documentation I followed: created

Django 2.0 – Reverse for ‘password_change_done’ not found. ‘password_change_done’ is not a valid view function or pattern name

I’m having this error message after trying to change my app’s password. Do you have any idea of what’s causing this route to fail? Actually, it is changing the password but it isn’t rendering the success template “password_change_done.html”. Thanks! app/ ERROR MESSAGE app/templates/registration/password_change_form.html app/templates/registration/password_change_done.html Thanks for your help! Answer I think the problem here is, as Tobit hints, is that
