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Tag: audio

Proccesing audio from twilio media stream using Python

I am streaming call audio to my local server using Twilio Streams. For reference I used the offical guide from the Twilio Team. Decoding the audio and saving it to a .wav file works, although when playing back the audio sounds somewhat distored (“slow-motion” with compression artificats). You can listen to it on soundcloud here. Compared to the audio recording

Different sound playing modules not working

I created a program for my little sister to learn math and now want to add sound. So looked up on how to add sound to my program and found the winsound module. I wrote this code: But for some reason it only plays the default windows sound. (Bliiiiiingg) The file victory.wav is located in the same folder as the

Librosa – Audio Spectrogram/Frequency Bins to Spectrum

I’ve read around for several days but haven’t been to find a solution… I’m able to build Librosa spectrograms and extract amplitude/frequency data using the following: However, I cannot turn the data in D and freq_bins back into a spectrum. Once I am able to do this I can convert the new spectrum into a .wav file and listen to
