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Tag: arrays

How to save Python 1D, 2D or 3D NumpPy array into MATLAB .mat

Python’s SciPy package has a function that saves Python variable into MATLAB’s .mat file However, the documentation lacks examples, and I don’t know what is the dictionary of variables it wants as an input. Say I have a 2D NumPy array A and a 3D NumPy array B, how do I save them into a .mat file called my_arrays.mat?

Finding immediate smaller than X

So, we have been provided with a list and a value X. In the given list we have to find the immediate smaller value than X. Here is my code. Where am I doing it wrong? I am also attaching the provided test cases and the test case which I am not able to pass. I was able to pass

Detect duplicate elements python

I get continuously data from a server and can receive the data via the following line of code: After that I would like to write them into a file via: Now the case is, that the same id can appear multiple times, but the value will be a different one. Therefore I would like to extend the out.write into the

Improvement on copy array elements numpy

I have a question regarding variable assignation and memory allocation in a simple case. Imagine that I am initialising a state vector x, with initial value x0. I am then making iterative updates on that state vector with buffer array X and after each iteration, I store the new state vector in a storage list L. An outline of my

How to add 2D np array to front of 3D np array?

I have a 3D numpy array and I want to add a 2D np array of 0’s to the front of it. I want to add another array B so that: I’ve tried np.append(B,A) but it returns a 2D array. Answer You can do it using numpy.vstack and by reshaping your array. For instance: By the way, you can create

Binary Insertion Sort vs. Quicksort

I was looking at different sorting algorithms and their performance (link) and then I tried to implement some sorting algorithms myself. I wanted to improve them as well and so, as I was coding the insertion sort, I thought why not to use binary search, as the first part of array is already sorted, and in order to get rid

Leetcode problem to remove instances of a value in an array

The instructions were: Given an array nums and a value val, remove all instances of that value in-place and return the new length. Do not allocate extra space for another array, you must do this by modifying the input array in-place with O(1) extra memory. The order of elements can be changed. It doesn’t matter what you leave beyond the
