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Tag: algorithm

Creating a graph from a string

Let’s consider a “maze” defined by a string, for example The sign “#” denotes a wall and the sign “*” denotes the possible path. Moreover “S” is the starting point and “F” is the destination. I would like to apply a path searching algorithm to solve this labyrinth for instance Breadth-First Search. I’ve read that that algorithm uses a graph

Python algorithm to approximate closest parallel equivalence of resistors from a list

The formula for series equivalence of resistors: series equivalence = sum(resistors) For parallel it is 1/(sum(1/resistors[i])) I wrote code to return a list of resistors that is closest to a specified target value from a list, within a specified tolerance. So for example series_equivalance([1,2,3,4,5],7,0)will return [5,2]. I want to a function that can do the same for parallel equivalence. How

N-Queens II using backtracking is slow

The n-queens puzzle is the problem of placing n queens on an n x n chessboard such that no two queens attack each other. Given an integer n, return the number of distinct solutions to the n-queens puzzle. My solution: It fails at n=8. I can’t figure out why, and how to have less iterations. It seems I am

Algorithm for Connected Components of Graph

I am looking for the most efficient algorithm in order to find both the number of connected components in a network, and the number of nodes for each connected component. Example: Given the following inputs: I would receive the following output: This is what I have so far: I have found a way to iterate through the nodes assuming that
